Ulrike Roehr

Ulrike Roehr, Gender Summit speaker

Board member, GenderCC - Women for Climate JusticeGenderCC - Women for Climate Justice.

Strengthening gendered climate change knowledge by building up Competence Network
Parallel 3: Gender as cross cutting issue in research and innovation

Ulrike Roehr is a civil engineer and social scientist by education. For more than 30 years she has been linking gender equality and environmental policy. She is the head of genanet – focal point gender | environment | sustainability, which supports gender mainstreaming in environmental policy. In recent years she managed research and implementation projects focussing on Gender, Care and Green Economy. Her main focus is gender in energy and climate change policy at local and national levels, as well as at the international level in the UNFCCC negotiations. Currently she is involved in the project GenderNETCLIM, run by the University of Bremen and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.

The project aims to contribute to gender equality in the context of climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as to highlight the relevance of gender research for innovative solutions in the field of climate change by trainings, tools and providing networking opportunities to support women scientists and planners in the various climate change-related research sectors.

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