Dr Fiona Jenkins

Dr Fiona Jenkins, Gender Summit speakers

Senior lecturer, School of Philosophy, Australian National University; Convenor, ANU Gender Institute, Australia.

Which Part of the Story does Unconscious Implicit Bias Capture?
Parallel 4: Sources and effects of gender bias in career development

Fiona Jenkins is a senior lecturer in the School of Philosophy, Australian National University, and Convenor of the ANU Gender Institute. Her current research covers two projects, one on Judith Butler, which focuses on questions of political legitimacy, violence and non-violence, in post-national frameworks; the other on gender equity in academic disciplines. Her recent research has a particular focus on equity issues facing women in academia, and on developing a critical perspective on meritocracy as a practice and theory. She holds an ARC Discovery Grant 2015-17 “Gendered Excellence in the Social Sciences” with colleagues Dr Helen Keane, Em Professor Marian Sawer and Dr Claire Donovan.

As the convenor of the Gender Institute, she aims to develop public understanding of gender issues and foster capacity to redress the wide range of disadvantages women continue to suffer. The role includes advocacy for gender equity at ANU; fostering research collaborations and internal/external networks for gender research at ANU; hosting seminars and public lectures; deciding and administering grants; and mentoring of junior female colleagues and students.

Read Dr Jenkins’ article Gender and Feminism in the Social Sciences: Equity, Excellence and Knowledge in the Disciplines

Read more about the ANU Gender Institute