Sybille Reidl (GS7EU)

Sybille Reidl, Gender Summit speaker
Scientist, Joanneum Research Forschungsges.m.b.H., Austria.

Gender in Research – Policies, Practices and Experiences
Parallel 5:
Scientific inclusion and diversity in science structures and practices

Mag.a Sybille Reidl studied sociology at the University of Vienna. Since 2003 she has worked as a researcher at the Centre for Economic and Innovation Research (POLICIES) of Joanneum Research GmbH which is focused on applied research and consulting services in the fields of science, technology and innovation (STI). Her main research areas are gender/diversity and human resources in STI (especially promotion of equal opportunities, promotion of young researchers / teenagers in natural sciences and engineering). Furthermore she accompanies technology development projects and scientific research projects in the integration of gender and diversity dimensions.