Dr Judith Kamalski

Dr Judith Kamalski, Gender Summit speaker

Head of Analytical Services, Elsevier.

Elsevier Content and Analytics - Comparing gender authorship across fields
Parallel 5: Scientific inclusion and diversity in science structures and practices

As Head of Analytical Services, Judith focuses on demonstrating Elsevier’s bibliometric expertise and capabilities by connecting with the research community. She heads up a team of product managers, heavily involved in analysing, reporting and presenting of commercial research performance evaluation projects for academic institutes as well as governments. Judith has worked within several key areas of Elsevier including bibliographic databases, journal publishing, strategy, sales, and most recently within Research and Academic Relations, where she has acquired strong bibliometric knowledge and expertise on the use of bibliometric data to deepen customer insights and inform strategy.

Judith conducted her PhD research at Utrecht Institute of Linguistics and Florida State University, and also holds Masters Degrees in Corporate Communications and French Linguistics & Literature.