Dr Helga Kumrić

Helga Kumric, Gender Summit 7 Eu Regional Committee memberResearcher and Lecturer, Physics Department, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Parallel 3: 
Gender as cross cutting issue in research and innovation

Dr Helga Kumrić is a researcher and lecturer at the Physics Department of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. She studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Zagreb, Croatia and obtained her PhD in Stuttgart while raising three children. The development of transmission systems for high frequency heating of fusion plasmas and collaborations with leading fusion physics institutions all over the world was her main focus for over 20 years. Recently, as member of the 1. Physikalisches Institut at the University of Stuttgart, she is involved in the research of plasmonics and simulations of microwaves for applications in solid state physics.

During her academic career she served as equal opportunities officer of the Faculty for Mathematics and Physics, as member of numerous appointment committees in the department and supporting activities to promote Physics and Mathematics to girls and female students at the University. From 2005 to 2009 she took part in the Steering Committee of the CMA Virtual Integrated Unit – Gender Mainstreaming (VIU-GM) of the international CMA-NoE: Complex Metallic Alloys und participated in workshops and meetings in Paris, Stuttgart and Krakow. Practices in increasing the number of female students in STEM disciplines and the promotion of an efficient work balance for young parents is the main interest of Dr. Kumrić gender and diversity engagement.