Prof Simone Buitendijk (GS7EU)

Prof Simone Buitendijk, Gender Summit 7 EU Speaker

Vice-Rector, Leiden University, Netherlands, and Chair of League of European Research Universities (LERU) Gender Equality Group.

Gendered Innovations: the new position paper from LERU
Panel 5: Realising the full scope of policy impact through strategic alliances among key players

Simone Buitendijk MD, MPH, PhD is Vice-rector Magnificus in charge of teaching and learning and of diversity and member of the Board of the University of Leiden. She is Professor and Chair of Women’s and Family Health at the Leiden University Medical Center. Simone Buitendijk studied Medicine in Utrecht, received a Master’s degree in Public Health at the Yale School of Medicine in the US, and earned her PhD degree in Leiden.

She is a member of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Gender Steering Group. She co-authored the 2013 LERU position paper ‘'Women, research and universities: excellence without gender bias"  and of the 2015 LERU advice paper of Gendered Research and Innovation (in press).

Read a recent article, Most people think ‘man’ when they think ‘scientist’ – how can we kill the stereotype?, on The Conversation featuring Simone Buitendijk

Read an article "LERU on gender equality: We know the facts, it's time to act!" on MyScienceWork featuring Prof Buitendijk

Watch her talk at GS2 Europe "Report on Gender Equality Action from LERU"on our YouTube channel

Wach her talk at GS3 North America for the session "Harnessing Gender Dimensions to Address Global Scientific and Societal Challenges" on our YouTube channel