Prof Jackie Hunter

Dr Jackie Hunter, Gender Summit 7 EU Speaker

CEO, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK.

What can research funders do for researchers
Panel 2: Assessment of scientific excellence: practices, processes, outcomes

Jackie Hunter is CEO of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, one of 7 UK Research Councils. She joined the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) as Chief Executive in October 2013. Jackie Hunter gained her first degree in Physiology and Psychology at the University of London followed by her PhD which was carried out at the Zoological Society of London. She undertook a Wellcome Trust post-doctoral research fellowship at St George's Hospital Medical School before joining the pharmaceutical industry in 1983. 

She has over thirty years of experience in the bioscience research sector, working across academia and industry and playing a key role in innovative collaborations and partnerships.She holds a personal chair from St George's Hospital Medical School, which was awarded in recognition of her contribution to bioscience research. Jackie Hunter is a current member of the Council of the University of Hertfordshire and previously served on the Council of Royal Holloway University of London as well as the governing body of the Babraham Institute. She is a Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society and was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2014. 

Read a recent articleTime to keep score on female scientists, featuring Jackie Hunter in the Times Higher Education (THE)

Watch Prof Jackie Hunter, Lessons learned on the way up - how to take control of your career in STEM and still have a life on our YouTube Channel

Read Prof Jackie Hunter latest blogspot on the BBSRC 's Chief Executive's blog

Listen to Prof HunterWomen Scientists on Sexism in Science on BBC inside Science

Watch Prof Jackie Hunter's Interview for Biology: Changing the World on our YouTube Channel