Dr Laura Vargas Parada

Dr Vargas-Parada, Gender Summit 8 Speaker Lecturer, School of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UMAM), Mexico.

Studied at the Institute of Biomedical Research-UNAM where she earned her PhD degree on biomedicine. She also has a master's degree in molecular biology of infectious diseases at the School of Tropical Medicine, London, England and postgraduate studies in Science Communication from the Open University of Great Britain. From 2004 to 2006 she held a postdoctoral fellowship at the General Direction of Science Communication-UNAM.  Since 1998, she has been lecturer at the School of Sciences at UNAM and has also taught Science Journalism at the School of Journalism Carlos Septien. She was responsible for the Unit of Information and Communication in Medicine at the School of Medicine, UNAM from 2008-2009; coordinator for Health Topics at the General Direction of Science Communication-UNAM from 2006-2008 and Medical Science Researcher at the General Hospital Manuel Gea González from 2003 to 2004. 

She is a frequent collaborator in El Economista and La Crónica de Hoy newspapers. She also writes for Nature News and Nature Outlook among other media and is a member of the Cell Biology Editorial Board of Nature Education. Author of two books for young readers she also edited with Juan Pedro Laclette the book “Medicine and Genomics: A New Synthesis”. In radio she has participated as science editorialist for Radio Ibero and Órbita FM, and was the scriptwriter and conductor of the program Vértice for National Radio. She currently appears in Ciencia en Todos Lados a television series broadcasted by public television (SPR-channel 30). 

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