Dr Norma Blazquez Graf

Dr Norma Blazquez Graf, Gender Summit 8 Speaker Coordinator, Mexican Network of Science, Technology and Gender (MEXCITEG), Mexico.

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Anáhuac University (México). Master’s degree in Sciences, Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) (México).  Specializing in Gender Studies, Interdisciplinary Program of Women Studies (PIEM), El Colegio de México. PhD in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Research professor and Director of Center of Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities  of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM México). Member of the Mexico’s National Research System and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Founding member of the Gender, Science and Technology Network in Iberoamérica (RIGCYT, CYTED), coordinator of the Mexico Group. Coordinator of the Mexican Network of Science, Technology and Gender (MEXCITEG).

Her research interest is Science, technology and Gender. Her work focuses in the  philosophical, historical and social studies of science from a gender perspective, including four research lines: feminist studies of science; history of women’s incorporation to higher studies of scientific and technological research; current participation and trajectories of women at the academy; new technologies from a gender perspective.