Dr Salvador E. Lluch Cota

Dr Salvador E. Lluch Cota, Gender Summit 8 Speaker Director of sectorial coordination, CONACYT Public Research Centers, Mexico.

Salvador E. Lluch-Cota is Director of Sectorial Coordination (coordination of the 27 CONACYT Public Research Centers) and main researcher on Fisheries Ecology at the Northwest Biological Research Center (CIBNOR). Salvador has been leader of several research projects (both national and international), produced over 70 refereed papers, books, book chapters, and commissioned reports (FAO, WMO, UNESCO, GLOBEC), and refereed over 50 scientific papers in journals that include Science, PNAS, and Progress in Oceanography, mostly in the fields of Climate Change, Fisheries, and Marine Ecology. He has served as President of the Mexican Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Mexican Fisheries Society (2007-2009),

Scientific Committee member of the International Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics program (GLOBEC), and Lead Author for the IPCC AR5, WG2 Chapter 6 (Oceans). He holds the 2007 award in Natural Sciences from the Mexican Academy of Sciences, scientific career recognitions from the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (2007) and the Baja California Sur State Congress (2010), and level 3 recognition from the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.