María Dolores Sánchez Soler

María Dolores Sánchez Soler, Gender Summit 8 Speaker Deputy Director of Postgraduate Studies and Scholarships, National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), Mexico.

María Dolores Sánchez Soler is a Sociologist with a Msc in Applied Social Sciences from the Autonomous University of Baja California. Prior to Her current position at CONACYT, she has been Chief advisor to the Director General of the Mexican Petroleum Institute and to the Director General of the National Polytechnic Institute. Has served as Director of Research in the National Center for Higher Education Assessment, Academic Secretary in the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions, Director of the School of Humanities and General Director of Extension programs at the Autonomous University of Baja California.  She received de Merit Award from UABC (1996) and  the 2005 ANUIES National Award for Academic Contribution to Higher Education. Is author of a book and co-author of 23 books on Higher Education.