Maria Esther Pozo

Maria Esther Pozo, Gender Summit 8 Speaker Mexican Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AMEXCID).

Maria Esther Pozo has devoted most of her career to communication and education. She worked as a producer and editor of cultural and political programs in Televisa, and had various roles in the public sector, such as Broadcasting Director of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA); Director of Social Communication of the National Savings and Financial Services Bank (Bansefi), and Director of Information and Communication at the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF). In these two development banks, she was also in charge of transparency, as well as of design and implementation of financial inclusion and education programs at the national level. Ms. Pozo has a Bachelor and a Master degrees in Marketing from ITESM, with a specialization in behavioral economics, and carried out studies in International Relations and Cognitive Behavioral Theory at UNAM. She has been a university professor and co-authored two books: one on business associations and another on Financial Education in Mexico. Finally, for several years she wrote a weekly column on gender issues in a magazine with national scope.