GS9 Speakers

Prof Giampiero Favato

Pof Favato, Gender Summit 9 Eu speaker

Head of Department Accounting, Finance and Informatics, Kingston Business School, Kingston University London, UK.

Gender (in)equality in Human Papilloma Virus vaccinations and treatment
Plenary: Social impact and responsibility of science and science policy

Giampiero had increasing financial and strategic responsibilities in the Life Science industry. As a corporate finance practitioner, Giampiero gained a significant firsthand experience in valuation of intangible assets, real options and M&A investments.  Among his responsibilities at Kingston University London, Giampiero is currently serving as Chair of the Faculty Ethical Committee (FREC)  and as the Director of the Institute of Leadership & Management in Health (ILMH).  Giampiero is Editor of PLOS ONE, the Open Access Journal of the American Public Library of Science.

 #SpeakerPreview read about Prof Favato's Research Institute at Kingston