GS9 Speakers

Prof Isabelle Vernos

Prof Isabelle Vernos, Gender Summit 9 Eu speaker

ICREA Research Professor, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Spain; Member, Scientific Council, European Research Council (ERC).

LIBRA: Measuring, monitoring, and advancing gender equality in Life Sciences RPOs
Plenary: Developing and implementing gender equality measures for fair advancement in STEM careers

Isabelle Vernos PhD is an ICREA Research Professor in the Cell and Developmental Biology program at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain where she chairs the office for Gender Balance Affairs. She was nominated European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) member in 2005 and she serves as advisor and referee for several European and non-European research organisations and Institutes. Since 2012, she is a member of the Advisory Board for Science, Technology and Innovation for the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity in Spain. She is the coordinator of the Horizon 2020 funded project LIBRA (2015-2019): Leading Innovative measures to achieve gender Balance in Research Activities. Isabelle Vernos is a member of the Euroepan Research Council (ERC) scientific Council since 2011 and chairs its Gender Balance working group since 2013.

#SpeakerPreview Read about Women in Science activities at CRG

#SpeakerPreview Read about the LIBRA project that Isabelle coordinates