GS9 Speakers

Dr Claartje Vinkenburg

Dr CLaartje Vinkenburg, GS9 Eu speaker

Associate Professor, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Time to Care in Research Funding: Exploring the Paradox between "Time to Care" Allowances and the "Ideal Academic"
Parallel: Transforming organizational structures, practices, and working conditions in a systematic way

Claartje Vinkenburg, PhD, is affiliated with VU University Amsterdam as an associate professor of organizational behavior and works as an independent expert consultant. Her research activities, partly funded by the European Research Council, deal with gender and ethnic diversity in professional and academic careers. She critically explores the impact of implicit bias, normative beliefs, and discursive practices on career systems, patterns, and outcomes. With a primary focus on systemic diversity interventions, Claartje works together with professional service firms and with research organizations to promote diversity and inclusion in recruitment, selection, and career advancement, as well as sustainability in combining career and care.