GS9 Speakers

Dr Charikleia (Charoula) Tzanakou

Dr Charikleia (Charoula) Tzanakou, Gender Summit 9 Eu speaker

Research Fellow, Politics and International Studies (PAIS), University of Warwick, UK.

Women in academia: living outside of the average
Parallel: Interventions to improve participation, retention, and leadership

Dr Charikleia Tzanakou holds a PhD in Employment Research (with focus on early career paths of researchers) at the University of Warwick. Her research interests are academic careers, highly skilled migration, gender equality and transitions from education to employment. She is currently a Research Fellow at Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick co-leading a workpackage on careers and culture change in a Horizon 2020 about gender equality in academia (PLOTINA).

She has been involved in higher education and research policy through her roles in European University Association and EURODOC and has contributed to various European higher education projects as international higher education policy expert (Trends V, Trends 2010, Masters project, TRACKIT, VERA). She is a member of the Warwick Working Group on Athena SWAN and Race Charter Mark.