GS9 Speakers

Alison Bert

Alison Bert, Gender Summit 9 speaker

Editor in Chief, Elsevier Connect.

How to make a case for gender diversity to people who don’t know why they should care
Parallel: Communicating gender to inform policy and change societal attitudes (selected abstracts)

As Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Connect, Dr Alison Bert leads a team of contributors from around the world to publish daily stories for the global science and health communities. Elsevier Connect provides a lens to explore the complex and ever-evolving worlds of science and publishing. Contributors include Elsevier colleagues as well as members of the research community at large. As a journalist, Alison helps them bring their stories to life in words and images, making complex topics engaging and meaningful to a global audience. This year, Elsevier Connect won a North American Excellence Award for Science & Education.

With her background as a newspaper reporter and university instructor, Alison is also a sought-after writing coach known for her engaging workshops and webinars. Before joining Elsevier in 2007, she was a business and education reporter for The Journal News, a Gannett daily newspaper in New York. In the previous century, she was a classical guitarist on the music faculty of Syracuse University. She has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Arizona, was a Fulbright Scholar in Spain and studied with Andrés Segovia in an international master class.  

#SpeakerPreview Read Alison’s article 5 women scientists tell their stories of hard-earned success     

#SpeakerPreview Read Alison’s article Temple Grandin on new edition of “Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals

#SpeakerPreview Read Alison’s article Welcome to Elsevier Connect