GS9 Speakers

Dr Rachel Palmén

Rachel Palmen, Gender Summit 9 Eu speaker Researcher, notus applied social research/FGB, Spain.

Parallel: Transforming organizational structures, practices, and working conditions in a systematic way

Dr Palmén completed her doctoral research looking at community engagement processes at the neighbourhood level in Brazil and the UK in 2007 at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. Her main research interests include co-design processes in different public policy areas, gender equality, particularly in the realm of gender and science and integrating the gender dimension into scientific content. She forms part of the FGB team of the GenPORT consortium which is an FP7 support and coordination action to develop an internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science. She coordinated the user needs assessment for the portal in order to make sure that the portal was co-designed with relevant stakeholders. She was also responsible for coordinating the production of six research syntheses and twenty-five policy briefs which look at, Recruitment and Promotion, Gender Equality Plans, Gender Dimension in Research Content and Gender Balance in Decision-Making, Tackling Sexual Harassment, Intersectionality, Securing Top-Level Support for Gender Equality, Building Gender Competence and Knowledge and Statistics and Methodology.

Rachel recently coordinated a civil society dialogue project co-financed by the EU and Turkey examining Violence against Women in Turkey, Spain and Italy and the various strategies that have been employed to combat it - coordinated by Notus: Applied Social Research. As part of the Gender and ICT Research Team based at the IN3 (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute) she is currently working on two Horizon 2020 projects - the GEDII project which aims to provide new concepts and methods for researching the impact of gender diversity on research performance on the team level and EFFORTi which will develop an Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&I.