GS9 Speakers

Prof Mari Teigen

Prof Mari Teigen, Gender Summit 9 Eu speaker

Research Professor/Centre Director, Institute for social research (ISF), Norway.

Gender Equality in Research and Innovation: Research Agenda for NORDICORE (Nordic Centre for Research on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation)
Plenary: NordForsk Centres of Excellence

Mari Teigen is research professor and centre director of CORE: Centre for research on gender equality and NORDICORE: Centre for Research on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation at the Institute for social research in Oslo. Her current research specializes on analysis of gender equality policy; social elites, gender quotas in corporate boards, gender segregation in the labour market and in research and innovation. She is co-editor of Comparative Social Research, member of the editorial board of Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning (Norwegian Journal of Gender Research), editorial board of NORMA International Journal for Masculinity Studies.

#SpeakerPreview Read about Introducing our new Nordic Centre of Excellence: NORDICORE