GS9 Speakers

Prof Tullia Gallina Toschi

Prof Gallina Toschi, Gender Summit 9 Eu speaker

Professor, President of the UNIBO Committee for Equal Opportunity, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy.

PLOTINA: gender balance in research, innovation and training
Parallel: Developing and testing gender equality plans and interventions for structural change in research performing organisations

Tullia Gallina Toschi (PhD Food Science, MSc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry) is Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL), University of Bologna (UNIBO), Head of the Research Group of Instrumental and Sensory Analysis and of the Food Waste Innovation Centre. She actually (2016-2020) coordinates two H2020 projects: OLEUM (Advanced solutions for assuring authenticity and quality of OO at global scale) and PLOTINA (Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training).

Recent institutional roles

  • 2013-2017: President of the Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities of the UNIBO (nominated by the Rector)
  • 2014-2017: Rector Delegate for the Welfare at Work

Some research topics

  • Relationship between chemical and sensory characteristics of food
  • Sensory evaluation, consumer preferences and liking of food products (with particular attention at childhood and gender/sex dimension), taste sensitivity
  • Chemical characterization and valorisation of food wastes
  • Monitoring the oxidative states of fats and oils and their shelf-life
  • Analytical determination – even rapid tools - of quality and authenticity of fats and oils (in particular virgin OO and cold pressed vegetable oils)
  • Analysis of minor compounds in food (e.g. phenols and polyphenols, antioxidant compounds and volatile molecules).
  • Dissemination of the research (by teaching/interactive labs and informative articles) and writing on food science and equal opportunity in STEM.

Teaching activity

Food chemistry, Food analysis, Food technology and environmental impact and Applications of unit operations.

2014-2016: Direction and teaching of the Summer Schools “Writing and publishing the literature review in food science: A practical workshop” (July 21-25 2014) and “Writing on food with Elsevier. How to publish in high impact factor journals: a practical workshop” (October 5-9 2015) and “Writing on Food. How to publish in high impact factor journals: the keys to success, with daily writing exercises” (October 24-28 2016) organized in collaboration with ELSEVIER.

#SpeakerPreview Watch Prof Gallina Toschi talk about The PLOTINA manifesto: notes of a careful fight - Università di Macerata

#SpeakerPreview Watch Prof Gallina Toschi talk abou Il genere come elemento di sostenibilità nella città intelligente