Sacha Knox

Sacha Knox, Gender Summit 5 Africa speaker

Research Specialist - Governance and Security, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa. 

Topic F: International collaborations in gender and science

Sacha Knox is a research specialist for the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), a programme within the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), where she works within the Governance and Security unit. She has an MA in Development Studies, with a specialisation in Conflict, Reconstruction and Human Security from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), in The Hague, Netherlands.

Her research interests include: the politics of representation, decolonial and non-hegemonic knowledge systems, Afrikology and Pan-Africanism, post-colonial neo-coloniality, Islamophobia, the relationship between politics and aesthetics, the impolitcal, nationalism, affect, posthuman security, interdisciplinarity, queer ecologies, critical complexity, dynamical systems theory, and embodied perspectives. Her most recent gender related publication is a co-authored book chapter in the forthcoming Zed Books publication 'Practicing Feminist Political Ecologies: Moving Beyond the 'Green Economy'', edited by Wendy Harcourt and Ingrid Nelson, in which she discusses resisting neo-colonial constructs and critically mobilising for change with respect for differences.