Prof Eileen Drew

Prof Drew, Gender Summit 5 Africa Speaker
Director, Centre for Women in Science and Engineering Research (WiSER), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

INTEGER INstitutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research (download presentation here pdf icon)
Knowledge Exchange Forum: Driving Equality and Excellence

Professor Eileen Drew, is the Director of the Centre for Women in Science and Engineering Research (WiSER) at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland where she has taught in the School of Computer Science and Statistics and Centre for Gender and Women's Studies. Her research interests are: gender and STEMM, equality and diversity, work/life balance, the gender pay gap, family leave policies and gender in entrepreneurship and academic leadership. During her academic career, Professor Drew has been involved in research, training and consultancy for numerous international gender related projects for the Council of Europe and European Commission.

Professor Drew worked as the Gender Mainstreaming expert for the Social Security Reform Co-operation Project in China. She holds the position of National Senior Expert to the European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and has provided national expertise for European Gender Equality Institute (EIGE) projects. Professor Drew is currently Principal Investigator for the EU supported FP 7 project INstitutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research (INTEGER). The objective of this project is to create sustainable change in education and research institutions to improve the career progression of women scientific researchers.